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Woodland Hills air conditioning & heating Contractor

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Viking Heating & Air Inc provides quality HVAC repair, maintenance, replacement and new installation.

What do you think of when you hear the term "HVAC"? Chances are you think of changing furnace filters, air conditioner repair, help with a thermostat...or maybe you're not that familiar with the term?

It stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. We are a Woodland Hills HVAC company, bringing a wide range of products and services to California homeowners. We're committed to helping our customers achieve ideal indoor comfort, and doing so without draining the bank account.

Our Woodland Hills HVAC services range from scheduled maintenance and tune-ups to equipment repair (any make and model) to brand new installs including ducting.

Proper system design is critical when looking at a new system. Purchasing the biggest, baddest air conditioner on the market with the highest efficiency ratings available could actually cost you more to run than a less efficient model if the sizing, design and install are not done correctly.

Woodland Hills HVAC Maintenance

Woodland Hills HVAC Maintenance

If you own a car, you probably take it in every 3-5000 miles for an oil change. What happens if you skip that oil change? Will the car keep running. You bet. In fact, if it is a Toyota, it could run a long time without an oil change. Eventually however, fuel efficiency will suffer, and you'll be hit with a large repair bill. Call us about scheduled or seasonal maintenance for your comfort system.

Woodland Hills Cooling

Efficient Cooling in Woodland Hills

Life in Woodland Hills wouldn't be bearable in the summer with a cooling system. Part of our Woodland Hills HVAC service is of course air conditioning repair, maintenance and installation. We service all aspects of cooling, from ductwork and thermostats to efficient air conditioners, air handlers and much more. With Viking Heating & Air Inc you'll have both reliable and efficient cooling.

Woodland Hills AC & Furnace Repair

Woodland Hills Heating & AC Repair

Nobody likes the word repair. Think about it...whether it is your vehicle, laptop computer, phone or TV it typically means unplanned time and money right down the drain. Viking Heating & Air Inc helps protect your money because our extensive experience allows us to accurately determine a problem, and perform the needed HVAC repair quickly. We service any make and model of heating or cooling equipment.

Thanks for considering Viking Heating & Air Inc for your Woodland Hills HVAC needs!
You will be 100% satisfied with our services!

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